Thursday, 12 November 2009


I've always been interested in life after dark. I find it very strange how everybody goes about their day to day life working, studying or whatever people do. What's interesting is that we tend to do these daily activities on our own; even at work or in a library studying there maybe lots of our peers present but we still work, within our minds; alone.
When darkness hits we become socialites. We go to restaurants, to shows perhaps, then we may go to a pub and wind up in a club. Some may be intoxicated others may not, but we share our time collectively, we laugh and joke and dance (not me) and have fun together.
What i enjoy most about the dark is the places people don't go, lakes and canals and bridges and parks and quiet streets and empty roads. I find it kind of special when these quiet and natural places can co exist with the commercial and concrete towns we are used to. I used this brief as an opportunity to see just how closely my two subject matter could indeed co exist. The pictures above are of a student night out taken around 2 a.m wednesday 4th November '09. The intimacy of the shots amplifies the notion of social togetherness the city brings after dark. The pictures below were taken not even 400 meters away from the venue of the above pictures, taken 2 a.m wednesday 11th November '09. Although the shots were hard to grab with poor light and long exposure times, i always feel so at home at how peaceful and beautiful nature looks at night, even tho chaos is kicking of only two stones throws away.

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